Are You Establishing a New Brand? I ask: Are you okay?
The year is 2022, the season is autumn… What we went through without guessing. I say the word “unpredictable” because it was neither predictable nor otherwise, we would have been able to be satisfied with our existence… For years, we have been listening to the cries...
read moreAttention to Instagram User Etiquette!
If we believe that we have been deceived in any way in our tendency to buy or experience the content of a news in the media, we can complain to RTÜK and defend our rights to the point that we even have the Editor-in-Chief of the media reporting the news in jail.
read moreIs consumer deception considered art or fraud?
It is time to get rid of the negativity of "ads are not good or bad". The great giants of the world must heal and transform. But on the other hand, there are still bad seeds with a fraudulent mindset to abuse the values that attract the consumer.
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